Digitale Sicherheit

At MPK, we invest a great deal into the security of our systems.

For the benefit of our partners and employees, we have worked on security features that aim to help us spot dangers and to make our cooperation more secure. Our security features are clear and transparent but can obviously never provide one hundred percent protection against risks. If you are unsure, you should never trust emails or information without checking.

We recommend that you read the latest information on staying safe online from the BSI (the German Federal Cyber Security Authority). BSI E-Mail-Security

Latest Security Information: none

We have adapted our SPF to enable you to use it for your systems:

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  • only sends emails via its own servers and the servers authorised in the SPF
  • sends encoded emails, if permitted by the partners
  • only sends emails with full security features
  • keeps systems up to date and checks for weak spots.

Typical E-Mail from MPK:


MPK only sends: 

  • emails with the name, role and/or department of the member of stafe
  • emails with the latest image or logo
  • emails with the company address and legal information
  • emails via an email address of the MPK.DE domain.

If you have any questions, please email us at or get in touch with us at our headquarters:

Tel.: +49 7171 92524-0